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Shello and welcome to the community! 

Welcome to All For Myself, my sanctuary on the Internet. My name is Jessica Boltze-Ruiz, RN, and my goal is to help others learn how to live authentically and find real happiness. I will show you practical ways to better yourself, get organized, set goals, be well, live happy and look good while doing it. I want to help you help yourself!

Personal growth is something that can be achieved on your own if you have an open mind and a willingness to take action. Life can be challenging and it’s way too short to be worrying all the time. Focusing a little on yourself each day can make waves throughout your life. You can only take care of others if you have taken care of yourself first.  

Remember knowledge is power. I always encourage you to do your own research and think critically.

This page is a helpful place for new visitors to discover some of the most popular content. 

It’s easier than wandering through a ton of posts!

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Please enjoy!